Jun 7, 2008

AMD Does The Magic Trick

It has taken a while, but finally there is good news from AMD camp. They have virtually done equivalent of pulling a rabbit out of hat by offering overclocking possibilities in their existing Phenom triple core (8000 series) and Quadcore (9000 series). Six “hidden pins” on the processors and chipsets are the secret, which will enable simple overclocking through the southbridge and accelerate the current processors on demand.

If you are running an upcoming 2.8 GHz Black Edition CPU, a motherboard with the old SB600 model (RD690) will keep the processor cores operating at 2.8 GHz. However, if you have a motherboard with the SB700 chipset, you will receive a free upgrade to 3.0 GHz. And if you get a motherboard with a SB750 chip, your processor will run at 3.2 GHz, which matches the clock speed of the Athlon X2 6400+ - the highest clocked processor AMD ever offered.

The trick will be performed through the BIOS. AMD has not yet officially released the trick, but is most likely to be announced with release og 790GX chipset. This is what we like, competition! However, power consuption details of this trick are not known as of now. Here is wishing AMD all the best.


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