Nov 25, 2007

Whither Flash Storage?

We are all hungry about storage. We want our hard drives to never get filled up. We want our mobile phones to store hours and hours of media content. We want our ipods to grow smaller in size yet store bigger and varied amounts of data. But, problem is, these all use different forms of data storage. HDD, Flash Memory, SD Card, Micro SD, Mini SD; the list itself is endless. Be it a digital camera, Mobile phone, PDA or any other similar gadget, we need to know about the compatible memory card format.

A solution seems to be in the view with UFS. Universal Format Storage (UFS) is a newly proposed open standards based specification for the standardisation of removable Flash memory. In short, a set of standards which defines how and what in making a Flash memory. The standard promises high speed data transfer, better and faster speed of access no matter how large your files are, greater storage capacities, lower power consumption, and best of all - one size fits all kind of architecture. Am i salivating? You bet! Seems to be the mother of all memories. But hey, hold yuor horses. The standards are not finalised yet. That means those tech guys are still breaking their heads over so many issues that go into making of a good clean standard acceptable to one and all. The hope is that these would be finalised by 2009. Till then, you would have to go on with what you already have. Life after that? I do not know! Infact nobody knows! The only great thing it promises right now is that that writing a 4 GB file will happen in seconds versus minutes.

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