Dec 16, 2007

Sinning Patches

Microsoft Corp. promised to end the patch year with a bang by scheduling seven security updates for next Tuesday to fix flaws in Windows and Internet Explorer. Windows Vista, the one-year-old operating system that Microsoft pledged was its most secure ever, will be affected by five of the seven updates. Unless it yanks one or more from the list at the last minute, Microsoft will end the year having released 69 security bulletins in 2007, nine fewer than 2006's total but 14 more than in 2005. Now that is a substantial number folks.

The point here is that MS was going to release patches for users to apply. Well, they did, and i did. The result, unpleasing to say the least. Now i do not know what kind of rabbit did Microsoft plan to pull out of their hat, but it was not surely a bunny for me. It was a Monster. How? Let me explain.

Like a truthful, faithful guy i downloaded the patches and after application, the computer rebooted. Everything hunky dory. Not really. The Update Service said that update had failed. I checked the history and this is what i saw. An error code I had no clue about. Not only me, even Microsoft, on their help site, had no clue about this error code. Why would a behemoth of the size of MS would do a thing like that? If they are not sure of what kind of error codes their product is going to pop out, then why have such kind of coding? Well, the only solution i could see to this was to disable automatic updates till Mr Balmer comes out with a veritable reply. And please be quick to it guys, competition is sure closing in.

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