Jan 20, 2008

iPhone Mods

It is an ever evolving field. The amount of innovation that can be carried out in any one product or idea is astounding. I have always believed in one thing. Everything that has been designed or produced by humans, is likely to be, rather will be improved upon or broken into by other humans. So I find all this talk about secure systems and impregnable routines as unconvincing. This hold true for all man devised things under the sun. So is the case of iPhone. Here is an instrument that seems to have reached its pinnacle in exploitation by varied users. Yet, another milestone has been achieved. Now, it figures you can use your iPhone Touch to hum along, rather strum along your favorite guitar rip offs.

The feature is know as PocketGuitar and more can be found about it here. Point to be noted is that it is available on JailBroken iPhones. Simply put, you can fulfill your nerd fantasies by playing Jimmy Page with a small iPhone held in your hand rather than the Stratocaster. The modification allows you to strum along. You can practice and then impress your latest love interest with your guitar prowess. Now is that Cool!

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